Thursday, January 28, 2010

Us Backward Christians

In the aftermath of our annual general meeting in which it was emphasized that our music teams don't know how to play together, I've had some thoughts about us backward Christians.

First this: We like to talk about our faith as if we are in a battle. Imagine going into a war with your army - who coincidentally was entirely willing to blow your head off if you do something that they don't like... (your gun is too loud!). Seems a little ridiculous doesn't it?

Mostly this: We talk about 'music' and 'worship' interchangeably. Firstly, not all music is worship, and not all worship is music. I agree that it is often the most easily accessible form of corporate worship but there needs to be a more distinct understanding of 'music' and 'worship.' Romans 12 tells us that we are to offer up our bodies as living sacrifices. Would not, then, EVERY act of the body - done unto the Father - be an act of worship? Then why do we spend so much time arguing about music? Shouldn't we also argue just as vehemently for better parking spaces? When I park farther away in order that a visitor can park closer for the glory of God, that is an act of worship. So I think we should all park farther away from the building! In fact there are some really old parking spots in the far corner of the lot, we should all use those...

Here's the biggest thing for me. No wonder Christians miss the boat on good, relevant evangelism. We spend so much time arguing with, accusing and hurting each other that the world is quietly making their way to hell with no one to stop them because the very people that God has chosen to bring the good news to them (Matthew 28) are beating each other up.


Let me say this too, this is not aimed at anyone in particular. I'm just so frustrated, hurt and caught off guard right now that sometimes I just need to rant. I may even delete this post in the near future, so no one should take this personally.


Garry Steinhilber said...

I had to say I enjoyed yesterday's music. Garry.

Ninja Jon said...

I dunno you, but I wouldn't delete this, unless of course someone you know can take it out of the context that I read it in, which was that of a stranger looking for his OWN blog and happening upon this one, but from the outside looking in, this is a well thought out statement on your thoughts on the matter at hand...
I enjoyed it anyway.