Thursday, January 21, 2010

God's Goodness to my Family

I could write an entire blog, not just an entry that tells you how good God has been to our family. Aside from the fact that I now have three beautiful kids (who sometimes drive me a little crazy, but who I love to bits none the less) and a smokin' hot wife, His provision extends so far!

I know there are a lot of Christians who say thanks to God for the things they have and I don't doubt their sincerity, but sometimes I wonder if those people can see God in those provisions as clearly as we do. Our van was given to us, our house was provided for us (without us even looking for the place!), and even so far down the line as little things like this one.

On Tuesday I learned about Clearly Contacts doing a giveaway to people in Surrey - free glasses! So I ordered a pair - they came today. Now, I paid some for them - upgraded lens and shipping, but $68 is negligible for glasses, wouldn't you agree? If that's not enough, my wife also qualified and received a pair of free glasses too! If you ever need glasses, check out Aside from the fact that they were free (yours probably won't be, but they're SUPER cheap!), they were here in 2 days!

Anyway, I just wanted to point out God's goodness to us. There are some days when I feel like everything sucks, like I wish I was paid more and that I could buy a house. But the things that I listed are not small things. He continues to provide.

Thank you Father.

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