Thursday, January 28, 2010

Us Backward Christians

In the aftermath of our annual general meeting in which it was emphasized that our music teams don't know how to play together, I've had some thoughts about us backward Christians.

First this: We like to talk about our faith as if we are in a battle. Imagine going into a war with your army - who coincidentally was entirely willing to blow your head off if you do something that they don't like... (your gun is too loud!). Seems a little ridiculous doesn't it?

Mostly this: We talk about 'music' and 'worship' interchangeably. Firstly, not all music is worship, and not all worship is music. I agree that it is often the most easily accessible form of corporate worship but there needs to be a more distinct understanding of 'music' and 'worship.' Romans 12 tells us that we are to offer up our bodies as living sacrifices. Would not, then, EVERY act of the body - done unto the Father - be an act of worship? Then why do we spend so much time arguing about music? Shouldn't we also argue just as vehemently for better parking spaces? When I park farther away in order that a visitor can park closer for the glory of God, that is an act of worship. So I think we should all park farther away from the building! In fact there are some really old parking spots in the far corner of the lot, we should all use those...

Here's the biggest thing for me. No wonder Christians miss the boat on good, relevant evangelism. We spend so much time arguing with, accusing and hurting each other that the world is quietly making their way to hell with no one to stop them because the very people that God has chosen to bring the good news to them (Matthew 28) are beating each other up.


Let me say this too, this is not aimed at anyone in particular. I'm just so frustrated, hurt and caught off guard right now that sometimes I just need to rant. I may even delete this post in the near future, so no one should take this personally.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

God's Goodness to my Family

I could write an entire blog, not just an entry that tells you how good God has been to our family. Aside from the fact that I now have three beautiful kids (who sometimes drive me a little crazy, but who I love to bits none the less) and a smokin' hot wife, His provision extends so far!

I know there are a lot of Christians who say thanks to God for the things they have and I don't doubt their sincerity, but sometimes I wonder if those people can see God in those provisions as clearly as we do. Our van was given to us, our house was provided for us (without us even looking for the place!), and even so far down the line as little things like this one.

On Tuesday I learned about Clearly Contacts doing a giveaway to people in Surrey - free glasses! So I ordered a pair - they came today. Now, I paid some for them - upgraded lens and shipping, but $68 is negligible for glasses, wouldn't you agree? If that's not enough, my wife also qualified and received a pair of free glasses too! If you ever need glasses, check out Aside from the fact that they were free (yours probably won't be, but they're SUPER cheap!), they were here in 2 days!

Anyway, I just wanted to point out God's goodness to us. There are some days when I feel like everything sucks, like I wish I was paid more and that I could buy a house. But the things that I listed are not small things. He continues to provide.

Thank you Father.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Grace v. ???

Some thoughts after what might be possible my most disappointing night of youth ministry so far. *More reasons to hate all-nighters!*

While talking with one kid who showed up drunk, I learned that another kid had showed up high. The drunk kid is a fringe guy who we only see when he has big stuff going on in his life. He shows up consistently to my office for a couple of weeks, and then I won't see him again for six months. To him I'm inclined to show grace. We put him upstairs on a couch in the church to sleep it off. He lives on his own, so sending him home would be almost mean, and to send him back to the party he was at would be stupid.

High kid is the one that really hurts. He's one that I've been working with and praying for the last couple of years. I took him home and had to sit by myself for a few minutes after he went inside. I don't even know what to call that one, but I have a hard time thinking of it as grace. At the same time, I think that I responded as graciously as possible and may have even really showed grace to him. I told him to get a few hours of sleep and then come back in the morning for breakfast, I hope he does.

Sometimes I love this job, other times I hate it. Oddly enough, tonight I love this job and hate some of the things I have to see because of it. It really comes down to sin I suppose. The world has seduced these two guys with their 'goods' and they've both fallen for it. Please, don't take the world at its word.