Friday, September 18, 2009

Well I had higher hopes...

So I sort of figured I would do better at updating a blog this time since I've tried to get more serious about it. Well, as my youth would say... fail! Oh well.

Here's another attempt.

I've really wrestled with how to teach theology to youth this summer. How can I be a better teacher in this area? I mean the big thing is to be able to say 'this is why it should be important to you,' and have the youth go 'yeah it really should be!' This Fall I would really like to start talking to my youth about things like predestination and eternal security. Unfortunately these things really matter to me, and I don't know how to communicate them well to high school students. At least in a way that they're not going to fall asleep on me...

The more I think about it, the more I think that kids who grow up with no Bible knowledge - even if they know all the rules - won't grow into a lasting relationship with Christ. A relationship based on rules will only get you so far. A relationship based on grace and trust and a real feeling of being valued by God. Now that's what is going to last.

I think I've figured out a way to teach this stuff!

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