Friday, August 14, 2009

Christians and Coffee

The more I think about it the more I believe that as a Christian, I have a responsibility to drink my coffee fair trade. Last year I was introduced to a company who sells only fairly traded, organic coffee. Pistol and Burnes is that company and the owner explained to another youth leader and me how fair trade works and why it's important, and the more I think about it, the more I realize how important it is, especially as a Christian. Our youth ministry sells the coffee as a fundraiser (and I'm not plugging it just to sell more... (although if you want some shoot me a message...)) and I'm really glad that we do, not only because it generates us a little cash flow in the youth ministry, but because it's introducing more people to the concept of fair trade. I realize it's only a drop in the bucket, but I still think it's an important drop... and it tastes really good too...

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